Start Sketching & Drawing Now: Simple Techniques for Drawing Landscapes, People and Objects - Grant Fuller

Condition: Pre-owned

Author: Grant Fuller
Publisher: North Light Books
Paperback: 128 Pages
Date: Sep 29, 2011
ISBN-13: 9781440309298

Got the urge to draw? What are you waiting for?! Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3 with Grant Graphite pencil is the featured medium, but charcFuller's Start Sketching & Drawing Now! Packed full of easy and fun techniques, readers will learn to create accurate and expressive likenesses of people, animals, landscapes, and objects. Suddenly rendering even something as mundane as an electrical plug will become an adventure in seeing—and as you'll discover, learning how to really see your subject is half the battle.

A progressive series of lessons range from proven exercises for developing hand-eye coordination, expressive line work and keen powers of observation, to creating the illusion of depth and dimension, realistic textures, reflections and more
30 step-by-step demonstrations cover an exciting range of subjects, including still lifes, landscapes, architecture, animals and people
oal, pen & ink, colored pencils and pastels are also explored

Practice is important, of course, but this expert instruction will fast forward you past many hours of trial, error and frustration. With every lesson you'll develop skills and confidence. Get started today with simple materials you may already have or can easily pick up at any major retailer. Before you know it, you'll be able to capture a wide range of subjects with artistic style and vision.