Tattoo Art & Design - Viction:ary

Condition: Pre-owned

Editor: Viction:ary
Publisher: Rizzoli Universe Promotional Books
Language: English
Paperback: 432 Pages
Publication Date: September 18, 2012
ISBN-13: 9780789324627
Condition: Pre-owned

Tattoos are sexy, fashionable, and creative. This compendium features over 480 designs by the world's leading young graphic artists for tattoos that are new, different, and edgy.Little has appeared that explores fresh designs for tattoos by contemporary graphic artists and designers. Tattoo Art & Design corrects this with designs by over 60 of today's up-and-coming designers. They draw inspiration from diverse cultures and media, and bridge the highly graphic world of skin art and the exploding creativity in graphic design communities worldwide.

Among the featured designers are Kinpro, Klaus Haapaniemi, Marcus Oakley, Rex Koo, Rinzen, Musa Collective, and Stapelberg & Fritz. The designs featured here shatter the conventional notion of the tattoo. Gone are hearts inscribed with names, anchors, Celtic harps, or tribal bands. Instead, the tattoo designs are based on Japanese animé characters, abstract art, hip-hop culture, and Day-Glo pop art in a palette of vibrant colors and elaborate shapes. These fun and playful designs will inspire a new breed of tattoo artist as well as the next generation of graphic designers.